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print out these fliers and pass them out! lets get the word out!
_________REMEBER THIS DATE!________
Whites world wide - a call to your banners!
White Pride World Wide Day
Every year on March 21st the United Nations has the International Day for the Elimination of Racial discrimination. Also
known as Harmony day.
Whites around the world are subject to Racial discrimination on a daily basis.
You can take a stand against the Racial Discrimination of Whites that occurs world wide.
This day - March 21st of every year is the day that Whites can stand up and show their pride by flying your Pro-White
flags and wearing your Pro-White shirts.
All Whites around the world are encouraged to make the 21st March of every year, the day to remove the suppression of
their voices.
Regardless of the disputes you may possibly have with any other Whites, White Pride World Wide Day is the day to show
your pride. Put aside diferences with fellow Whites and unite with them for the common goal of White Pride World Wide on this
Whites world Wide urge you to pick up the phone, send an e-mail, copy and post to other forums this statement, write a
letter and shake the hand of Whites to universally work towards White Pride World Wide Day.
March 21st - . Make this the day that you can express your pride.
White Pride World Wide Day.