Taken from the ANP report
Racial Comrades: Today I would like to continue with replying to some more of your more common questions. #1 What have we
got "against the jews"...aren't jews "White"? ANSWER - I will give you a "simplistic" version,
as a detailed one would fill a book. In many cases, "jews" have so inter-mixed with Aryans, that they are no longer
"racial jews". But, the problem here, is that these "non racial" jews...STILL side with the "Pro-Jew
over all" agenda. And that answers the first question - i.e., the "problem" that we have with jews...is that
they view themselves as SUPERIOR to everyone else ( a prime example would be their claim of being "Gods CHOSEN people"!
) ...now, personally I can understand their stance, just about everyone likes to believe that they are "special".
Even people with little or no creative abilities, like the negroes...like to think that they play some really cool role in
the eternal scheme of things...per, the Black Muslims belief that negroes came here from Outer Space to rule over "inferior
peoples" like the White Aryan "devils". LOL And if I were a jew, I would probably embrace that attitude myself.
And here lies the crux of the matter. As long as the jew has held and still holds the "THEM against US" attitude...the
jew is the ENEMY of ALL MANKIND. We, the National Socialist Struggle, FIGHT ORGANIZED JEWRY as a DEFENSE MECHANISM against
all the evil and destruction that they as a group aim against our Racial Folk. IF the "JEW" was to go to some lonesome
place on the planet Earth...and antagonized NO-ONE...I firmly believe that NO-ONE would bother THEM! But, even AFTER finally
getting their own personal RACIAL "Home-Land" ( which they have been bellowing about for centuries ) their nature
still brought them into self-created CONFLICT with not only their surrounding NEIGHBORS...but, the entire WORLD in general!
So is the eternal jew - the ETERNAL TROUBLEMAKER - who throughout the centuries unto today, has to be recognized and dealt
with. It is no coincidence, that throughout history...the JEW has been EXPELLED...from EVERY Aryan/European land, one time
or another. Could these Non-Jews ALL be so "WRONG"? #2 Do you have to be "German" to join the Nazi Party?
ANSWER - NO, of course not! George Lincoln Rockwell wasn't "German", neither am I. ( BTW, for so many of you who
ask - "Suhayda" is Hungarian. I am a blue-eyed, blond haired Aryan of Hungarian/Dutch ancestry...do a Google search
to verify it, if you must. ) The American Nazi Party is a "Pan-Aryan" ( i.e. Pro White ) organization. While we
do honor and revere our German NS Comrades, just like the "S.S." was open to ALL Aryans of the various Euro-Tribal
elements within our White Folk...so are we. ALL variations of "colored eyes and hair" are in existence within the
Aryan Folk...ie. Adolf Hitler had BROWN HAIR and BLUE EYES...in fact, Aryans are the TRUE "Rainbow People" of nature!
NO OTHER peoples can claim the beauty of our gifted race. #3 What do we think of forming an "All White Nation" in
the Northwest? ANSWER - It was called the "Butler Plan" after Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler, when it was
first formulated back in the 1980's. The idea, is to gather together racially aware Aryans "IN ONE LOCATION", as
a starting point to claiming power in that place. It’s a nice idea, the ONLY PROBLEM is - NOBODY wants to GO! Few
people will re-locate to an area that has FEW JOBS, NO REAL INFRASTRUCTURE in so far as being able to "HELP" re-locee's,
and a local populace that is HOSTILE to our belief system in the first place. I have found over my lifetime, that it is my
experience that the FEWER the "Non-Whites"...the FEWER the RACIALLY AWARE..and VICE VERSA. Comrades, IF we are going
to SUCCEED and SURVIVE this "gentle extermination" of our Folk - WE ARE NOT GOING TO DO IT BY BEING LIKE "OUR
PARENTS", and "RUNNING AWAY" FROM THE PROBLEM. In all sincerity...EVENTUALLY, sooner OR later...IT’S
GOING TO CATCH UP WITH US and WILL HAVE TO BE FACED and DEALT WITH! I think that we are all better off FIGHTING where we KNOW
the GROUND...than having to attempt the ultimate battle, while scratching to make an existence "living", off in
the backwoods! Plus, from a REVOLUTIONARY STANDPOINT...I really dislike "putting all my eggs into one basket"...if
you get my drift. "NW Migration" is simply ANOTHER one of those "movement pipe-dreams" meant to DISTRACT
those Aryans possibly ANGRY enough to want to GET INVOLVED...from having to FACE the REALITIES, of just "WHAT" we
as a people ARE going to HAVE to DO - IF WE ARE TO SURVIVE AS A HEALTHY, VIABLE RACIAL ENTITY. Sorry folks, I know the "Mighty
Poohbahs" and "Creative Wordsmiths" have promised you over and over a 1001 "EASY WAY OUTS" over the
decades...but, Old Rock is here to tell you that that’s all smokescreens for AVOIDING the REALITY of the situation.
You will either GET INVOLVED - FIGHT and POSSIBLY SUCCEED - or ultimately LOSE. It’s that SIMPLE. The enemy is NOT
going to let you "talk him out of it", the enemy LAUGHS at your feeble "whines and protests", the enemy
KNOWS that the "Constitution and Bill of Rights" are simply PIECES of PAPER - and DARES YOU to FACE HIM in HIS "COURTS
of LAW"! LOL So Whitey - YOU GOT A BIG PROBLEM - FIGHT or SUBMIT! Its YOUR call, but remember...this enemy has NO compassion,
NO compulsion to show MERCY or "DO RIGHT"...it knows only one thing - SMASH ANY AND ALL OPPOSITION UNTIL IT SUBMITS.
"UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER". So what are you gonna "DO"? I'll end this today with this tidbit - did you
know that in TURKEY - Hitler's book MEIN KAMPF is currently FOURTH on the "BEST SELLER" list? And this in a NON-WHITE
nation! LOL How many of YOU calling yourselves "Nazis"...have ever REALLY READ the book? How many of YOU National
Socialists out there...REREAD it regularly? You can purchase Mein Kampf in just about every major bookstore at a relatively
low price, most large libraries carry it. That would be like a person who claims to "be a Christian"...who never
opened the "bible", eh. Yes, over the years I have met so many "sieg heiling", arm thrusting, costume
wearing "Nazis"...who were ignorant of the REAL IDEOLOGY, preferring to have gotten their "knowledge"
of NS from "Time-Life" or the jew-tube...that it became a sad, embarrassing joke. No wonder that there are SO MANY
"variations" of National Socialism ( most, self-created btw ) on the scene today! !For White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman